Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cha Cha Chicken

Location: Santa Monica, California.        Type of food: Caribbean

I can't believe I don't have an entry for Cha Cha Chicken on my blog!! It's one of my favorite places to eat when I'm in L.A. One time my friend picked me up at the airport and we headed straight here for dinner before she dropped me off at my folks' house. Crazy, I know, but I gotta get my Cha Cha Chicken fix! And I have tried pretty much every entree on the menu here and I love all of it, except for the spicy black pepper shrimp dish - so unless they've changed how they do that in the last few years, I would recommend everything else but that. Oh, and not everything is chicken. ;) They have a couple of great pork and beef dishes, but most of the other entrees are indeed chicken. And  the agua fresca is a must-get! On summer days on Long Island, I dream about their agua fresca. There is also a Cha Cha Chicken in Northridge (which incidentally I didn't know till very recently). I don't know if they are actually affiliated with the Cha Cha Cha restaurants in Los Angeles.   Rating: 5 out of 5 loaves! 

Ropa Nueva

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